Normative Values

Normative values exist for Hologic machines only. Two sets of norms have been published: the first were acquired on pencil beam machines – these norms should not be used with fan beam machines; the second were acquired on fan-beam machines and are the norms currently in use.

The fan-beam norms were published on 2009. These normative values were acquired on 821 boys and girls of black and Caucasian race and include the ages of 6 - 18 years. The LMS method was used as the statistical method for the calculation of these norms. Because of the differing sample sizes and different statistical models used for calculation of normative values, there is no comparison or conversion factor between the two normative databases (pencil beam vs. fan beam norms). Normative values below the age of 6 years and above 18 years have not yet been determined.

Zemel BS, Stallings VA, Leonard MB, Paulhamus DR, Kecskemethy HH, Harcke T, Henderson RC. 2009 Revised pediatric reference data for the lateral distal femur measured by Hologic Discovery/Delphi dual energy x-ray absorptiometry. J Clin Densitometry 12:207-218.

The norms can be accessed here: